Commercial Study - Orego-Stim® Powder Supports Efficient Cage-Free Egg Production
- The objective of this commercial study was to determine the effect of Orego-Stim® Powder (OSP), supplemented at 300 g/t, on the performance of laying hens in a cage-free production system.
Hens supplemented with OSP produced 13 extra eggs, had a 14-point improvement in feed conversion ratio, indicating improved feed efficiency, demonstrated a 4% higher liveability and achieved an overall ROI of 24:1.
In conclusion, OSP may help support improved egg production, feed efficiency and profitability in conventional cage-free production systems.
- Producing eggs in cage-free systems is associated with various technical and financial challenges.
- Orego-Stim® Powder (OSP) is a high quality eubiotic composed of 100% natural oregano oil (OEO) and in previous trials has been shown to support laying hen performance.
A commercial trial was conducted in collaboration with a commercial egg producer in the USA in 2021/2022, to determine the effect of OSP on the performance of laying hens in a conventional cage-free production system. Two groups of 100,000 H&N hens were used in the study; a control group and an OSP supplemented group. OSP was included at 300 g/t from day old until 43 weeks of age. Performance data was collected weekly.

- Had a 5.5% higher average egg production, with improved peak production and laying persistency (Figure 1).
- Produced 13 extra eggs each (Figure 2).
- Consumed 9% less feed per egg produced (control 145g feed/egg, OSP 132g feed/egg).
- Showed a 14-point improvement in feed conversion ratio (FCR) (Figure 3).
- Produced 10% more egg mass (control 6.94 kg/bird, OSP 7.62 kg/bird).
- Had 4% improved liveability (Figure 4), with an odds of survival when using OSP of 2.5:1 (Pearson’s Chi Square p<0.001).
- Achieved an overall return on investment of 24:1.
Supplementing birds with OSP at 300 g/t throughout rear and lay may help support improved egg production, feed efficiency and profitability in cage-free production systems.
Want to see the benefits for yourself?
How to buy Orego-Stim® online?
Disclaimer: No guarantee of performance is given. All economic benefits claimed in this document were correct at the time of publication.
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