“I was getting soft egg shells, I haven’t had a soft shell egg since I started using Orego-Stim Liquid just over a month ago.”
I have been using Orego-Stim for the past 10 years. The chickens are given the recommended dose in their drinking water, via a header tank, every day. In addition to this, I use it in the fermented grain I feed my birds, I have found that using this feed means I have no need for chick starter diets.
Not only has egg production increased, my sick hen Beulah is now thriving and the only thing I have changed is to add Orego-Stim Liquid to their water. Orego-Stim Liquid is so easy to use and all of my hens are now thriving, we feel we are on a winner.
Using Orego-Stim helps me to get my Pekin Bantams to the best show quality. I have doubled my success at the shows. I highly recommend Orego-Stim Liquid.
Put in turkeys water so far no sick birds a couple were showing sings of sickness whether blackhead disease or coccidiosis and improved was having around 75 percent loss now none food consumption is higher and it shows with the growth rate of the birds
I’ve used Orego-stim liquid for years adding a small amount to the water of my pigeons every day. Since using it I haven’t had any major disease in the loft.
Birds are looking pretty good time will tell
I also like oregano stim very much