Orego-Stim® Reduces Dirty Eggs in Commercial Layers
- Largest egg producer in Brazil, and Brazil’s largest egg exporter.
The objective of the study was to test the efficacy of Orego-Stim® Powder (OS) and another commercially available feed additive, on reducing dirty eggs.
- OS is a high quality eubiotic composed of 100% natural oregano essential oil.
Previous studies have shown that OS supports intestinal health, maintains optimum gut integrity, and supports birds under enteric stress.
- The trial was undertaken in 2022 in commercial laying hens.
Three sheds were supplemented with a competitor product, and two sheds were supplemented with OS at 300g/mT.
An initial evaluation was carried out to measure the percentage of dirty eggs before the trial began. A second and third evaluation of dirty eggs were carried out 15 and 30 days after the start of supplementation.

- Dirty eggs were reduced by 58% in OS supplemented hens, just 15 days after the start of supplementation.
In OS supplemented hens, dirty egg production continued to decline with a reduction of 78% at 30 days following inclusion.
Supplementation with OS resulted in a return on investment of 45:1*.
In conclusion, OS supplementation at 300g/mT in layer feed reduces the production of dirty eggs in just 15 days, resulting in improved profitability.
*100,000 hens, 2.7million eggs/month or 7500 boxes, feed consumption 330mT/month.Price/box R$ 165.00, price reduction/box for dirty eggs R$ 30.00. OSP investment R$ 5000.00.Price reduction/7500 boxes R$ 225,000. 7500 boxes x R$ 165.00 = R$ 1,237,500.
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Disclaimer: No performance guarantee is offered. All observations noted in this document were provided by the customer. Government requirements for product claims vary, therefore statements may not apply in all geographical regions. Any economic benefits claimed in this document were correct at the time of publication.
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