Trial Summary - Orego-Stim® Supports Broiler Liveability & Performance During A Necrotic Enteritis Challenge
- A trial was conducted in collaboration with a USA research group (SPRG Inc.) in 2022 to determine the effectiveness of Orego-Stim® Powder (OSP) in feed on broiler performance during a mild necrotic enteritis (NE) challenge.
- Feed was supplemented with either OSP 1000 g/t or OSP 500 g/t.
- OSP supplemented in feed at 1000 g/t is the most effective inclusion rate for managing broilers through a NE challenge window.
- Necrotic enteritis (NE) is a common bacterial poultry disease, affecting approximately 40% of commercial broiler flocks and costing the industry around $6 billion annually.
- Clinical outbreaks can cause mortality rates of up to 50%, whereas the subclinical form can lead to negative effects on growth rate and feed efficiency due to intestinal damage and impairment of nutrient absorption, often going unnoticed.
The disease is commonly seen in broilers from around 14-28 days and is caused by the over-proliferation of Clostridium perfringens and production of toxins. Coccidia infection is a major predisposing factor.
An increase in Antibiotic Free (ABF) or No Antibiotics Ever (NAE) broiler production has driven the demand for natural solutions to help support birds during disease challenge periods.
Orego-Stim® Powder (OSP) contains 100% natural oregano essential oil (OEO) and has been shown to support broiler performance in previous coccidiosis and NE challenge studies.
A trial was conducted in collaboration with a USA research group (SPRG Inc.) in 2022 to determine the effectiveness of OSP in feed on broiler performance during a mild NE challenge. 1350 Ross x Ross chicks were randomly assigned to one of three experimental groups, with 9 replicate pens per group (Table 1). Birds were raised in floor pens with new litter and had access to ad libitum feed and water throughout the trial. On day 0, all groups received a live coccidia vaccine, and on day 14 were challenged with Clostridium perfringens via the drinking water (1x108 CFU/ml) (Hofacre et al., 1998). All birds were weighed by pen and feed weights were recorded.
Mortality Results

- NE mortality was significantly reduced in all OSP supplemented groups (Figure 1a.).
Total mortality was significantly reduced when OSP was supplemented at 1000 g/t (Figure 1b).
Performance Results

- Feed intake was significantly improved in broilers supplemented with OSP at 1000 g/t (Figure 2).
Broilers supplemented with OSP 1000 g/t had the best feed efficiency (Figure 3).
Orego-Stim® Powder supplemented in feed at 1000 g/t is the most effective inclusion rate for minimising clinical mortality in broilers with NE, whilst also supporting performance through the disease challenge window.
Disclaimer: No guarantee of performance is given. All economic benefits claimed in this document were correct at the time of publication.
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