Orego-Stim® Liquid - Testimonial Liz and Campbell Jenkin - VIC

"New to the calf rearing business we decided to start with a small herd. Within a week we had two calves dead from cryptosporidium, the remainder of the herd being treated for it and on antibiotics. They were all heading downhill very quickly. The vet told us we could potentially lose the entire herd.

Out of desperation we searched through the calf rearing group on Facebook, looking for solutions. I came across Kylie's post for Orgeo-Stim. We reached out to her for more information and Kylie helped us sourced a bottle of Orgeo-Stim from a local farmer and we started the productimmediately.

It was incredible the turnaround, within 2 days the health of our entire herd improved. At our worst point we were tube feeding most of the herd as they were too weak to drink, to now they were feeding themselves and their scouring stopped.

We now have a strong & healthy herd. We've recommended the product to other farmers, who have also seen an improvement in their herds."

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