Trial Summary - Orego-Stim® Liquid Supports the Production of Higher Value Eggs in a Free Range System
Commercial Study
- The production of larger, higher grade eggs are fundamental to the profitability of a layer farm.
This commercial study was undertaken to determine the effect of Orego-Stim® Liquid (OSL) supplementation in drinking water, on the grading of eggs produced from hens in a free range housing system.
OSL is a high quality eubiotic composed of 100% natural oregano essential oil (OEO). Natural OEO has many properties including antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory functions. In previous trials, supplementation has been shown to support the production of higher value eggs in various systems.
OSL supplemented hens produced larger eggs and a higher percentage of 1st class eggs, resulting in a return on investment of 14.4:1.
A commercial trial was conducted in collaboration with a free range egg producer in Europe (2020/2021), to determine the effect of OSL on hen performance. Two groups of 32,000 hens were used in the study, a control group and an OSL supplemented group. OSL was administered via a Dosatron at 300ml/1000L of drinking water (two times standard inclusion) from 21 to 43 weeks of age. The inclusion rate was reduced to 200ml/1000L of drinking water until 58 weeks of age, and then increased again to 300ml/1000L of drinking water until 76 weeks of age (study termination). Egg production data was collected daily.

- Produced more large and medium graded eggs (Figure 1).
Were 1.1 times* more likely to produce 1st class eggs (Figure 2).
Had fewer egg losses at the packing station (Figure 3).
Provided an overall return on investment of 14.4:1.
Want To See The Benefits Yourself?

Orego-Stim® is Anpario's 100% natural high quality oregano essential oil (OEO) additive, available in both liquid and powder.
- Aromatic smell and taste of OEO can improve palatability of feed and help encourage voluntary feed and water intakes in your layers.
- Supports digestive health and nutrient absorption.
- Rich in antioxidants to maintain poultry health and well-being.
- Can be used to support programmes to reduce antimicrobial use.
*Odds ratio 1.138 (95% CI), Pearson chi-square p=0.0027
Disclaimer: No guarantee of performance is given. All economic benefits claimed in this document were correct at the time of publication.
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